AuxComm USA Multi-Mode NET
We will consider links to other systems on a case-by-case basis. If you would like to link a connected system to our net, please send the information to:
Interoperability is a big part of this initiative. Any Amateur Radio Operators interested in emergency communications are welcome. Various EmComm groups such as ARES, RACES, REACT, CERT, AmRONN, Red Cross and other groups including Amateur Radio Clubs who may be interested are also encouraged to participate.
Additionally, we support FEMA and other organizations in Disaster Emergency Communications (DEC) with our
Echolink Conference Servers:
DMR Talk Group 11911
AuxComm USA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
**The voice portion of the AuxComm USA Multi-Mode Net meets every Thursday at 8pm (2000) Central Time.**
The voice portion of the AuxComm USA Multi-Mode Net is available nationwide through the connections listed below:
*AUXCUSA* AuxComm USA Conference Server Node 980147 (Primary for Routine Communications)
*ARERT* Amateur Radio Emergency Response Team Conference Server Node 902723
KC5FM-R Node 906281
N0NWS-R Node 291849
AuxComm USA Reflector
WX0NET-L Node 868019
Allstar 594610
DMR - TG11911 (TGIF, Color 1, Time 2)
The Sunflower Linked System can be accessed through:
Allstar 28848
Echolink KC5FM-R 906281
Hamshack Hotline 94032
DMR TGIF 31207
P25 31207
Yaesu Fusion 31207
M17-SUN module A
ALROTANETS-8 - Allstar - 513258
Repeaters & VoIP for Skywarn Training Nets and Severe Weather Outbreak Nets:
Fordland/Springfield: 145.490 (-) PL 136.5
Joplin: 145.350 (-) PL 91.5
Girard/Pittsburg, Kansas: 147.240 (+) PL 91.5
Lamar: 442.975 (+) PL 91.5
Walnut Grove: 147.330 (+) PL 162.2
Branson: 147.105 (+) PL 136.5
Springfield Cox South: 145.330 (-) PL 156.7
Laurie/Lake of the Ozarks: 146.955 (-) PL 192.8
Houston: 147.135 (+) PL 100.0
Licking: 146.850 (-) PL 114.8
EchoLink Node: 291849 or N0NWS-R
AllStarLink Node: 49321
AuxComm USA Net Alternate Check In Protocols
Check ins must be on the day of the net, and submitted prior to 2130 CDT (9:30pm)
Internet - NEW!
Click HERE to enter your Callsign on our AuxComm USA Check In Form.Saturday through Thursday only.
Winlink Check In Form
Winlink check ins are also welcome if you are unable to connect with any of the above modes. Please use the Check In.txt form and have the form submitted before 2130 CDT/CST on Thursday
All Emergency Communication Groups send Check In to: AUXCUSA (Please include your group affiliation.)
Unaffiliated Radio Operators may also send Check Ins to: AUXCUSA via Winlink. Please indicate that you are not affiliated with any organization. In all cases, the subject line should be as follows: //WL2K AuxComm USA Net Check In
Other Volunteers
If you are a volunteer member of a public service supporting organization, and do not have a radio license, you may check in to the net by sending an email to: (the subject line should read as follows: //WL2K AuxComm USA Net Check In),
or send a text check in to 316-351-9200 prior to the closing of the net.
Emergency Management Departments and Agencies
You may have a representative do a "relay check in" for your organization by radio, or any alternate check in method above, to receive participation credit for nets and exercises. The ICS 214 form generated from the net may be useful as a leverage tool for cost mitigation.
The purpose of this net is to improve interoperability for emergency communicators, establish collaboration between emergency communications groups, develop camaraderie between radio operators, grow our knowledge base in methods, modes, and alternatives for emergency communications, give radio operators the chance to test their equipment for proper operation, and to train in emergency traffic handling.